
Your Trusted International Market Entry and Business Development Partner.

We specialize in empowering exporting companies to expand their global reach and assisting foreign entities in navigating and penetrating new markets. Our dedication is unwavering as we strive to facilitate growth and success for businesses worldwide.

Finding the right distributors is tough. Our Scan-Launch-Grow approach makes it easier. With our extensive network and local insights. We specialize in strategic business development, helping you expand into new markets by customizing your offerings and pursuing leads

Get selling prices and market volume estimation for your specific product in your target markets, based on your average monthly sales.

This initial assessment consists of 5 separate dimensions. Each dimension is scored in 4 areas, for a total of 20 questions.

Get Access To 20 African Countries.

Kenya, Ethiopia, Sudan, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Nigeria, Ghana, Senegal, Togo, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Cameroon, South Africa, Congo DRC, Zambia, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Botswana, Mauritius The offices of the company in Africa, are located in Kenya.


Discover the diverse industries driving Africa’s economic growth, from agriculture and construction to oil and gas, telecommunications, transportation, mining, and more. Stay informed on the latest trends and investment opportunities across these dynamic sectors shaping the continent’s future.

Count On Us

Language and cultural differences often pose challenges for companies seeking to export to new countries. Having knowledge of different countries and languages greatly facilitates contacting new business partners and negotiating favourable terms. We can help you overcome these barriers.

We Can Sort It Out

The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) has enabled the export of various products to all 54 African countries. However, understanding the exact steps required to start can still be a hassle for companies. While the AFCFTA streamlines the process, companies may still face difficulties when exporting to other African countries. We can assist you with that!

The Best For You

How to enter the African Market is a big headache for many companies. You need to work on the commercial side, marketing, logistics, regulatory issues and much more. We want to take care of the Africa Representative role for you, so you can relax at least about one aspect of the business. Let us make your life a bit easier!